
Back to all projects Repository (Library and command line frontend)
Repository (Library and command line frontend) (GitLab)
Repository (Mac Cocoa frontend)
Repository (Mac Cocoa frontend) (GitLab)
itch.io page (Mac frontend)
Repository (Linux QML/C++ frontend)
Repository (Linux QML/C++ frontend) (GitLab)
OpenStore page (Linux frontend)

Farkle is a dice game in which the objective is to score as many points as possible. Full gameplay details and rules can be found in the README in the library repository. The command line frontend allows the game to be played in a Terminal without a graphical environment.

The library repository includes source code for both a library containing the backend logic of Farkle as well as a command line frontend. By using the structures and methods implemented in the library, a new frontend can be created without rewriting the backend logic.

Farkle is written in C and should be compilable on any platform. The Cocoa frontend is Mac only. The Linux version is a QML/C++ application. This can be used on Ubuntu Touch as well as desktop Linux platforms.