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Repository (GitLab)

The goal of Project WikiSort is to implement every sorting algorithm that has its own Wikipedia page and collating all of them into a single, open source library. The basic sorting algorithms such as bubble, insertion, selection, and merge were implemented first and thus do not have a corresponding issue on GitHub. However, there is an open issue for every sorting algorithm that has not yet been implemented. The project is available under GPLv3 and contributions are more than welcome, especially for some of the more complex algorithms. Check the repository issues for more details.

The WikiSort library could be used for research purposes, comparing the efficiency and runtime of various sorting algorithms. Some such data can be found in the repository. The Makefile helps compile programs, linking them to the WikiSort library. The included programs write their output to a CSV file passed as argument. Analyzed data included in the repository is stored in OpenDocument spreadsheets (.ods).

WikiSort is a C library and should be compatible with any platform.